A Nursery Rocking Chair That's Custom-Fit Gives Comfort,
Peace, and Rest.

A nursery rocking chair has some very important roles to play. Unlike stationary furniture, the motion it provides soothes mom's sore back AND baby's little troubles.

Many hours will be spent sitting in it, so there is no room for accepting the "good enough". Your made-to-fit rocker is the answer for those sleepless nights and fussy nap-times.

Stories abound from grandma on down about how beneficial the right rocking chair is to soothing baby.

  • The constant gentle motion actually helps baby's inner-ear balancing mechanism. There's a lot of interesting scientific data about this and other benefits available here.
  • Researchers also believe that the rocking motion simulates life in the womb when mom moved around. Therefore, the babe feels comforted, quieted and secure.

The benefits of rocking for MOM are equally as important as they are for soothing baby.

  • A custom-built chair will bring just the right relief to your lower back and tired legs. Motherhood is a wonderful and demanding avocation! The ability to spend just 5 to 10 minutes in your custom rocker will revive your spirit and reduce those aches and pains. That's because the increased blood flow brought on by the rocking motion helps repair damaged muscle tissue more quickly.

  • The arms of my rockers can be placed so that they offer minimal interference when breast feeding the little one, but still give you that much-needed support.

It's pretty simple: when you feel comfortable and relaxed, the baby will most often feel the same.

As you can see, there are significant benefits to a custom fit nursery rocking chair. And when the nursery days are over, the rocker can be relocated to the living room, where its comfort can be enjoyed by all for years to come.

To learn more about how a custom rocker is made to fit you, click here.

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